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What are HR dashboards? How to create and use them

In a world where data has become the new currency of business, HR departments are faced with the challenge of effectively managing a company's most valuable resource - its people. How can this process be made more transparent, manageable, and effective? The answer lies in the use of modern analytical tools, among which HR dashboards occupy a special place.

Offboarding tips and checklist: how to fire properly?

So, let's figure out what benefits can be obtained thanks to offboarding and how it differs from adaptation.

74 Questions for Quality Adaptation

According to surveys, about 70% of newcomers stay in the company for at least 3 years if the experience of adaptation in the company made a positive impression on them. To make the candidate's probation period efficient and successful, we have prepared a checklist of 74 questions that will help you understand the candidate's attitude to the company and assess the quality of the existing adaptation organized in the company.

7 Key Steps in the Recruitment Process

Every company faces the challenge of recruiting on a regular basis. Even with a favorable psychological climate in the team, the natural causes of staff turnover cannot be avoided.

The successful completion of the recruitment depends on the correctness of each recruitment process stage. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Sources of Recruitment: Types, Efficiency and Current Trends 2022

Recruiting trends are constantly changing. In order to hire quickly and efficiently, it is necessary not only to correctly combine internal and external hiring, but also to automate the process as much as possible.

Today we will talk about the hiring sources that can provide a high level of these indicators.

HURMA System Guide: a manual for employees

HURMA is not only an All-in-One solution for HR and recruiters. Many developers, sales managers, lawyers, and accountants from 15 countries have already appreciated the HRM system. With the help of this guide, you will learn how to use all the HURMA advantages.

Your data is secure: How Hurma System protects the personal details of our customers

Automation of HR processes has long ceased to be just a trend and has become a necessity in any business. In fact, there are more than enough systems on the market. But do they all satisfy your needs? Some of them are too expensive, while others do not provide the functionality for all the necessary business processes. However, neither of these concerns are decisive in choosing a system. “How safe is it?” is the most frequently asked question from customers.

HR Director duties

The HR Director (HRD) is one of the key figures in any company. The work of the whole team depends on his professionalism. HR Director attracts new employees, engages in staff retention and forms the personnel reserve. Development of personnel policy, motivation and training lie on his shoulders. In this article, we will understand the duties and tasks of a HR Director and tell you how to become one.

How does the Hurma system help save time for the HR manager?

One of the main problems of HR is that instead of working with people you have to spend a lot of time on documentation work. It is routine, monotonous and completely uninteresting work.




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