
Key Features

We have collected all the necessary functionality in one system so that you can devote more time to the main thing - people

HR & Recruiting


Super security

Extremely quick technical support

Parsing resumes

Job portals



Analytics and statistics


User-friendly interface


Effortless Implementation


Online tech support


Reliable data protection

Requests and Vacations

Hurma provides you with a complete automation of absence management. You can set up automatic accrual of holidays, sick leaves and other types of absence. In a few clicks you can set the number of available days, responsible colleagues and other necessary parameters. Moreover, each employee can easily make a request for any absence or another event and you instantly receive a notification and can process this request.

As soon as the employee has made a request, you and all the people responsible for this request will receive a notification. Then you can track the actions of this request and see who approves the request and who rejects it. Any action can be additionally commented. Thus, you will understand whether it is possible to give an employee vacation for the selected dates or his presence at this time is critical for the team.


Payroll allows you to take into account the working hours of employees and form a common table of hours worked. You set the duration of the working day in the settings and the system calculates how many days/hours each employee worked this month. In the future, it will allow you to calculate salaries and other payments in the system.


How does your workday begin? You need to collect all the information, remember who is on vacation, who works from home, what events and tasks have been set for you, right? When you open the Hurma System, you immediately see the current agenda: which employee is not present today and for what reason, what requests you need to approve, what meetings are scheduled, how many employees are on probation period, who has birthday today, what events will take place in the company soon and so on.

Employees, for example, can have information about the company, its values ​​or a small educational program for beginners in their Dashboard.


In this section, you and each employee can see a calendar with all the tasks, meetings and other events. There is some public information (for example, birthdays) and personal information that is visible to each employee individually (for example, meetings).

You can mark working days and weekends, set employees’ birthdays, work anniversaries, and the system will automatically remind you and your employees about future events. You can synchronize the Hurma Calendar with the Google Calendar and make your routine even more comfortable.

Additionally, there is a “Schedule” section in the Calendar, where you see a detailed summary table about all employees. It is convenient for HR and any other person in the company. You can see who is on vacation, who works from home, who is on a business trip, and every employee knows why any colleague is not at the workplace.


Reporting takes a lot of time, as any other routine. Collecting and processing data is not as easy as it seems. Therefore, Hurma automatically collects data and creates all the statistics on HR, recruitment and mood monitoring in convenient graphs and charts. You just have to analyze the data and make conclusions.


You can make a “Tree” from your employees’ list. Here you can designate the hierarchy and divide the employees into teams. Everyone who enters the Tree section will see the line-up, which HR is assigned to this team and who is the Team Lead. The more people you have in the company, the more useful the Tree is. This is especially convenient for beginners, who only start to get acquainted with colleagues and try to remember who is who.

In addition, the system stores contacts of all employees and, if someone needs to contact a colleague, he/she will always know his/her phone number and/or email.


How often do you need to create a survey for employees? Whether it’s a survey about how much they liked the corporate party or such a large survey like 180 or 360 degrees – it takes time and effort. Hurma fully automates this process. You can create different types of questions and answers by forming a high-quality and detailed questionnaire that is easy to send to all employees, as well as to an individual team or employee.



Employee Profile

Each employee in the system has own profile, where he/she sees how many days of vacation, sick leave and other events are available. He/she can see all the necessary information, make some requests, check tasks and not distract you from important things while doing so. Additionally, the employee can specify a comment about himself. For example, indicate his/her hobbies, so an HR will have additional information for organizing a corporate party or choosing a birthday present.



Hurma can work on your smartphone even without installing additional applications. You simply connect the AI ​​Partner chatbot, which will always remind you of upcoming events, let you know if any of the employees created a request in the system, or if a new candidate responded to the vacancy. With the bot, you can approve requests, assign events, and more.

Send a request for a consultation on HR process automation

About the system

We know how busy an HR specialist schedule is. It often leads to overwork, constant task transfer from day to day, exhaustion and burnout. The only way to get out of this endless circle of responsibilities is the automation of routine processes. Just imagine how much time you have to spend on telling each employee how many days of vacation are available to him/her, why this exact amount and how it is generally calculated. In parallel, you need to think about the upcoming corporate event, about the adaptation of three newcomers, prepare a monthly report, participate at the conference and not fall off from tiredness. But what if the automation system took over the vacation issues? What if your HRIS can make reports and set up meetings?

The whole routine can now rest on the HRM system’s shoulders, not on yours. Hurma will take care of you while you take care of your employees.

Hurma System is a comprehensive solution for automating the daily tasks of an HR manager, recruiter and every employee in the company. 

You’ll get a lot of free time that you can devote to work with employee loyalty, their motivation, the improvement of the company’s internal and external HR brand and other tasks that require your direct attention. All these are possible because of automating everyday processes. HRM-system is designed for significant facilitation of HR’s life and not for replacing such a specialist.

The same goes for recruiting. The recruiter can devote more time to personal communication with the candidate, communication with the team to more accurately formulate requirements and analyze recruiting channels by automating the maintenance of the candidate database, parsing resumes and job postings.

The employee receives a simple and understandable scheme for calculating vacation and sick leaves, the opportunity to make a request directly from the messenger for any absence and shouldn’t bother the HR manager with all of these.

A lot of specialists are afraid of the automation system because of data security. You need to store confidential company data and personal data of employees. It is important to note that we are a company that has been in the IT market for 15 years. We have significant expertise in DevOps and software development. Initially, we created the Hurma System for ourselves, so we went not the easiest, but the safest way, choosing Single Tenant as the architecture for the system. Most part of the automation systems stores all the data of all the clients in one database (this is called the Multi-Tenant architecture). At the same time, thanks to the Single Tenant architecture, we create for each company their own secure database, which significantly increases the overall level of security. All you need is to set a reliable password and we have already taken care of the rest.

Globally, the automation of HR processes is a transition to a completely different level for the development of the company and the whole business. Automation is no longer just a trend, it is a necessity in the modern world.

HR processes are very important for every company. It is useless to talk about some improvements and new bonuses for employees when your HR processes are breathing in the dark.

That’s why the Hurma System is the answer not only for the HR specialist but for the business as a whole.

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